
LimbBo Foundation

One of our main aims is to support children with a limb difference and their families. This could be simply chatting in our closed group, linking people with others in the same situation and providing the opportunity for our children to meet other limb different children at Activity days and parties to realise that they aren’t alone.

Tommy's Story

Why We're Here

During early pregnancy myself and my wife were given the devastating news that a complication had occurred and our baby was going to born missing a limb. I’ll never forget the day we were sat having a normal baby scan, looking forward to seeing our beautiful baby again.

Six years later and Tommy can successfully do all the things his limb regular peers can do. He is living testament to how courageous Limb Different children can be and I’m proud to call him my son.

Read All About It

The LimbBo Blog

a group photo of everyone at Adventure Day 2023

Adventure Day 2023

As a foundation we have spent the last couple of days trying to process everything that happened on Thursday. We’ve cried – tiredness and relief

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Camp LimbBo 2023

Those who know me well, know that I’m seldom lost for words but … how do I sum up Camp LimbBo 2023 in a way

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Mini Meet ups

In the midst of planning for our first residential Camp as our fifth Adventure Day it occurred to me that I hadn’t shared our ‘mini

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