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Camp LimbBo 2024

It’s almost 24 hours since Camp LimbBo ended and, as always, it’s taken a while for the magic of the weekend to sink in. When

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group photo

Camp LimbBo 2024

It’s almost 24 hours since Camp LimbBo ended and, as always, it’s taken a while for the magic of the weekend to sink in. When

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a group photo of everyone at Adventure Day 2023

Adventure Day 2023

As a foundation we have spent the last couple of days trying to process everything that happened on Thursday. We’ve cried – tiredness and relief

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Camp LimbBo 2023

Those who know me well, know that I’m seldom lost for words but … how do I sum up Camp LimbBo 2023 in a way

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Mini Meet ups

In the midst of planning for our first residential Camp as our fifth Adventure Day it occurred to me that I hadn’t shared our ‘mini

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