LimbBo Adventure Day 2021
It’s been 48 hours since our LimbBo adventure day 2021 and it’s taken us this long to organise our thoughts. To sum up this day
One of our main aims is to support children with a limb difference and their families. This could be simply chatting in our closed group, linking people with others in the same situation and providing the opportunity for our children to meet other limb different children at Activity days and parties to realise that they aren’t alone.
During early pregnancy myself and my wife were given the devastating news that a complication had occurred and our baby was going to born missing a limb. I’ll never forget the day we were sat having a normal baby scan, looking forward to seeing our beautiful baby again.
Six years later and Tommy can successfully do all the things his limb regular peers can do. He is living testament to how courageous Limb Different children can be and I’m proud to call him my son.
It’s been 48 hours since our LimbBo adventure day 2021 and it’s taken us this long to organise our thoughts. To sum up this day
We are excitedly planning our Adventure Day for 2021. It seems so long since we all met up. The good news is that as LimbBo
Apologies everyone for the long gap between posts. We were in the process of having a new website when Covid arrived and everything changed. However,
Thank you for visiting the LimbBo foundation. We aim to provide limb different children everywhere, their families, and their friends, with resources and tools, to do all the things they love.
Charity No. 1180501
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