Just proper Magical

I’m not sure it’s the norm for a teacher with over 30 years experience to be overwhelmed by a school, but this morning I wandered through a truly magical school where every inch of the corridors and learning spaces was a testament to thought, love and curiosity. It felt like a comfort blanket of everything I hold dear in Education.

It’s a good job I know Jonathan well as I basically just ignored him whilst I wandered round with my camera in total wonderment. If I felt like this as a 60 year old, how must it feel to have this as your learning environment?

I did eventually drag myself back to the actual reason I was there and that hour spent with year 3 was just impossible to sum up. These children had organised a fundraiser at their Christmas fair and decided to give the money to us at LimbBo Foundation.

They listened, they questioned, they explored and to sum it up one girl said ‘We are all unique and we should treat everyone as if they are special’ There is so much negativity around education and young children but not in this school which feels like a beacon of hope. I left with a much lighter heart and a promise to return when they have designed arms and written stories.

One of our aims at LimbBo is to raise awareness and understanding of limb difference. I left feeling that we have 50 new ambassadors and members of team limbBo so thank you all at St Catherine’s – I can’t wait to return Jane x

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