The best part of our work has got to be receiving ‘smiles’. There is nothing we like better than opening our e mails or social media accounts to see smiles like this one!
Often when we receive enquiries about our assisted devices one of the first questions is ‘how much will it cost?’ Thanks to our wonderful supporters who work tirelessly to raise funds for us, we can say with a huge smile – ‘nothing’ it costs nothing, all we ask for is a photo to share the smiles.
If you have raised funds for us (you know who you are) then we hope you enjoy the smiles as much as we do.
Our strap line is ‘limb difference with a smile’ and hopefully we have turned a difference into a positive and trying to add an element of fun. Thanks as always to Team Unlimbited for being so generous with their original design.
I was talking to a group in a primary school and had taken in an arm to show how they worked. It was a batman designed one that I had borrowed from Tommy d, one young man said ‘Jane, I know I haven’t got a little arm but these are cool can I have one anyway?’
Look at these smiles! This is just a way of thanking anyone who has supported us by giving up time, donating, organising fund raisers, sharing our work and generally just being there to support us. Trust me we are beaming smiles your way Jane x
PS – the photo below is my favourite smile from our LimbBo day last August! We have a trustees meeting this week and will shortly be announcing details for our LimbBo day out 2019 – keep in touch we’d love to see as many of you as possible 🙂